Meet MimiBelt
The safety seat belt highly recommended for pregnant women.
This device has been independently crash tested for vehicle safety.
Over 30,000+ HAPPY MAMAS

A little piece of insurance, for a great peace of mind!

Pregnancy Safety Belt
Pregnancy Safety Belt
Rated 2024 Innovative Pregnancy Product
Take the pressure off the belly for a safer drive
Adjustable so that one size fits all
Crash tested and certified
Bonus: FREE Tips for Newborns eBook

BONUS: Order Today and Receive FREE Tips for Newborn Babies eBook
Normally valued at $19.95, our Tips for Newborn Babies comes FREE with every purchase!

Revealed Inside:
✔️ Your Babies Essential Needs
✔️ Car Seat Safety for the Baby
✔️ Important Newborn Care
✔️ Important Do's and Don'ts
*Offer valid today only